Why Choose Us?

Hand-Crafted 100% Full Spectrum Hemp Topicals with CBN (Cannabinol)

Our Ingredients are Coconut Oil, Beeswax, Essential Oil & 2 Specialty Hemp Extracts

Our Pain Relief Rub helps you manage & relieve your everyday pain, chronic pain & headaches.

Our Skin Repair Rub helps you manage & relieve the pain & itching of skin conditions along with providing the natural ingredients for healthy elastic skin. Helps produce Collagen, facilitating the growth of new layers of skin.  Lessens scars, age spots, eye bags, fine lines, wrinkles & blemishes.

Skin Repair Rub = Pain Relief Rub + Red Palm Oil  (Vitamin A & Vitamin E)

Pain Relief Rub is slightly better for pain 

Skin Repair Rub relieves pain with vitamins added for skin health

4 Scents = Lavender, Lemongrass, Peppermint & Natural 

I just cannot say enough positive things about this product. My entire family with chronic ailments such as knees, back & feet uses your CBN Rub. We all swear by it!!!


Skin Repair Rub relieved the inflammation, redness & itch of my psoriasis. Skin felt like leather, now soft. It has also helped the contact dermatitis on both of my hands. You have created the Spartan of all Topicals

I have 3 new lovers of your pain rub. It works for so many different ailments and the relief is so quick

Our Entire Household Swears by Your Products  THANK YOU!!!


Customer Testimonials

Pain Relief Rub has helped with my knee pain, swelling of leg, ankle pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, thumb joints & headaches. I sleep better as I'm not woken up in pain 

My wife & daughter are now migraine-free thanks to both your Pain Relief & Skin Repair Rubs 

I suffer from eczema and I'm amazed at how my skin feels after using your Skin Repair Rub. 

My mother is getting relief from her arthritis in her hands & toes Her fingers will go crooked & she rubs it on & they straighten out & she feels better

I have Fibromyalgia. I use this product EVERYWHERE. Knees, Ankles, Shoulders, Neck, & My Face. I use it at night to instantly STOP CRAMPS. This has been a LIFE CHANGER for me My dreaded sinus headaches just pass on by.

Cannot thank you enough for changing my life. I had just about given up. Knee replacement had been recommended but is No Longer an Option. This Pain Relief Rub is UNBELIEVABLE!!!Needless to say, Everyone is AMAZED  

My 77 year old mother was AMAZED at the RESULTS of the Skin Repair Rub especially the bags around her eyes. Her Eye Bags are still there but not as prominent. This is HUGE!

Customer Testimonials


Pain Relief Rub

In 1973, I rolled my ankle playing semi-pro football. I severely damaged the ankle even more by continuing to play despite being in pain. The pain had gotten to the point where walking on it had become very difficult even after doctor’s visits, physical therapy & cortisone shots. The ankle swells, the joint stiffens & I can hardly walk I had nothing to lose so I tried the Pain Relief Rub. To my amazement after three days of applying the product, I finally found relief. Now after using it daily, the pain has been reduced by 90+%. I NEVER would of believed it if I hadn't tried it for myself. After 40 years of pain I can walk, run & put all the weight on my ankle like a normal human being. I Love this product & recommend it to anyone with joint pain GREAT PRODUCT! THANK YOU!

" I love your products! My dad just had five laminectomies on his back and has had severe amount of pain. He doesn't like to take pain meds either. I put some of your pain rub on his back and his pain was nonexistent! I put it on everything, from my headaches, TMJ, slipped disc in my neck, & my back where I had surgery!

I recently had a very serious back injury which caused nerve damage in my spinal column. The main problem I had been experiencing besides severe pain were electro-shocks up & down my spine. Thankfully after you applied your product, the electro-shocks in my nerves stopped & my pain became MUCH LESS. THANK YOU!!!